He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Saturday, October 30, 2010

little bit better - Saturday 10/30

He is able to keep down food today and attempted to eat a couple things. Nothing sounds good to him so it is hard to know what to fix. This morning's first stop was Norton to get a shot that will help increase his white blood cells which will help him not pick up every cold that is around. The chemo will make your white blood cells tank about day 7.This shot (I forgot the name and I am not getting up to find the brochure) increases them so the goal is for the white blood cells to stay level as they normally would be.

Anyway we were downtown this morning for that scheduled appointment. Very nice nurse that gave him some practical advice on what to start eating and drinking to try to gain his strength back. She offered him a wheelchair b/c he seemed so tired and I completely vetoed it. I think she thought I was the meanest wife that ever lived. He just needed to walk. I worry about his overall health if he doesn't keep moving even if it is hard. This has been a very hard part for me to know when to push and when to leave him alone. It seems like the more you lay around when we are sick the more you feel sick. I want him to feel better sooner than later but at the same time I don't understand how nausea he feels. I can kind of relate b/c I was sick/nausea with all three of my pregnancies in the first trimester but I think is far worse than this. Or is it? I don't want to tick all the men off but you guys have a hard time with physical ailments. Sorry to call Craig out but it the past a cold has had him laid up for three days! come on! I was back in church couple days after I had a C-section. Anyway, I don't want to start a battle of the sexes I am just saying it is really hard to figure when to push him a little harder to try to feel better and when to just leave him be. Bottom line: I want my annoying joke cracking smart-a$$ husband back. It is tough to figure out this new way to communicate. We are sarcastic people and when he doesn't feel good it is hard to crack a smile. When it hurts to talk b/c he is so nausea it is hard to try to get out of him how I can help. I hope that next chemo treatment we can learn from this one and we will be more prepared. I wish it came with instructions. Seems like every time we call the doctor's off they call in another prescription and that has yet another set of side effects. I don't know what I expected but this has thrown me for a loop, I guess. I didn't realize how sick he was going to feel. I know this is the more aggressive treatment and this is what we wanted to increase our chances of keeping him around but I just didn't get it.

Our second stop today was soccer for Morgan. Mom stayed here with the girls so I didn't have to drag everyone downtown. So when we got back and Craig wasn't up for the game I asked mom to stay at the house so Hannah could finish her nap and Emily chose to stay here with her (shocking!). So Morgan and I were off to soccer. It is always great to get some one on one time with one kiddo. She did great. She kicked the ball off and stuck with the game pretty good. She was upset that she didn't make a goal yet but I told her it was a team sport. She really likes being on the team with some of her favorite friends.

Not much went on beyond that today. A trip to Kroger, we watched the Snoopy's Halloween, ate a little dinner, whatever around the house.

While I was rocking Hannah to sleep I heard Emmy (Emily - we call her Emmy) ask Craig is she could get sick being around him. He of course said no and she said b/c it is just the rock in your belly. Yep you can't catch cancer. Finally I laid Hannah down (I don't know why she took so long tonight to fall asleep) and started to read to Emmy. The hospital sent some coloring books and story books home with us to help explain the situation to the girls. So I grabbed one. Before tonight they really haven't asked too many questions. The question that CONTINUES to come up when I ask them if they have any questions here and there is "how did that rock get into his belly" GOOD FREAKIN' QUESTION! I always say, I don't know and the doctors don't know but they are doing what they can to shrink it. The book we look at was really good. I skimmed through some of the parts when it talked about Daddy will be on chemo for a long time b/c she really doesn't have a great sense of time yet. Sometimes she calls a day a week etc. She knows the days of the week but really time is still a little confusing so I didn't want to burden her heart with the statement that daddy will be on medicine for a long time. I think the fact that there was a book about it calmed her, if there is a book then she is probably not the only kid that has a daddy with cancer. I might be reading into that but she did like the book and she could relate to some of things in it so I think it was good. It is hard to figure out what to tell them and what not to. Their little hearts can't handle the magnitude of it (neither can mine!) but they need to know more than 'daddy is sick'. Tuesday night her and I were in the car running an errands and we chatted about it a bit and she got really quiet in the backseat. That doesn't happen very often with chatty Emmy so I asked if she was worried about something. She said she was worried about that rock in her daddy's tummy. I told her we just have to pray about it and it was in the bible to not worry about anything but everything prayer and petition. She said well what do you mean, I don't know how to talk to God. Oh my goodness, just when you think you are doing the right things... so I told her to talk to God and tell Him her worries were and He would fix it in His own way. Just talk to him? YES (what does she think we been doing before bedtime every night?). Tonight she said she wanted to learn more about the medicine daddy was taking. There is another book they sent home call the Kemoshark and I told her we could read it tomorrow night. We shall see how they goes over.
Silver lining: the sex talk in 5-10 years, is going to be a PIECE of CAKE compared to the Daddy has cancer talk! I think Craig should have to do that one since I took this one.

I hope tomorrow is a new day. He said that he may attempt to get to church but we will see. I don't like leaving him here but I need to leave the house for my own sanity too. I started to think today, am I kidding myself? Here I am hoping that the next six month will be the toughest we will endure and it will be taken care of with this round of chemo. Chances are that won't happen but whose to say what will happen. So I need to just stay positive, I guess, and hope and pray this chemo regiment and God takes care of this cancer and we can put this behind us. Stranger things have happened, right?

Sorry for the long post. I am insanely lonely at night. I get the girls down for the night for some peace and quiet and then I sit here and type up a post or watch something stupid on TV. Next round of chemo I may plan a girl's night in. We have done it in the past and it is so much fun. Everyone comes in sweats and we watch movies our husbands won't watch with us b/c they are chick flicks. really fun. might have to do that next time. I have some amazing girlfriends from high school and college. :)
I am off to watch the Oprah that I DVRed from the other day with the cast from Sound of Music. Love that movie! thanks for listening. I check our stats everyday to make sure I am not talking to myself on here since just a handful are posting comments. (thanks, handful of peeps!)

Hope everyone is having a great weekend with lots of family-fun!


The Dant's said...

We are all listening and in awe of your all's strength through all of this! I'd love to have a pajama night, especially if we can watch Grease!- Liz

Anonymous said...

Hello Craig and Michelle - I so appreciate your posts as I think about you all often and it is so helpful to keep us up to speed without needing to interrupt your busy days. Thanks for being transparent. Reading your posts help me to know specific prayer needs.

Praying, The Robsons

Anonymous said...

Hey Michelle, as I was reading this I couldn't help but think of my mom and all the struggles she went through with my dad when he was going through his treatment at MD Anderson last year. It was such a struggle for her to know what to say and when to say it. I know you have never met her, but she is an intensely spiritual person so I just wanted to throw this out there. If you would like her email address I am sure she would be more than willing to chat with you about going through this with a husband. For her it was my dad's 3rd time, but he was very angry and exhausted by this last time. I just wanted to put that out there in case you wanted someone to chat with who had been through a similar situation in case you don't already have that. Let me know a night I can bring dinner over and what you and the girls like, even if it's not something Craig will not necessarily want. Sending up lots of prayers for you all!

Ashley Niemeier

Anonymous said...

I have worked with Craig for several years now and have been reading your posts every day since I found out about the blog. You are in my thoughts and prayers and I know the same is true for all of BB&T. I live in Crestwood and I believe you all do and have 2 small kids myself, if I can ever do anything or drop anything off to you all please let me know. I'd love to help in anyway I can take. Praying for you all daily.....actually multiple times daily.
Megan Deem

sara said...

What a great post - thanks to you again for putting your thoughts and experiences on this blog and sharing your journey with all of your family and friends who love you all so dearly. I know you know this, but I'm here ANYTIME you need ANYTHING - just send me a text and I'll be there within minutes. I think a girls' night in is DEFINITELY in order! I'm sure there's all kinds of chick flicks out right now that we can choose from!

Cheryl said...

I love the line about sex talk vs "daddy has cancer". I just love your sense of humor always Michelle! Glad this round is behind you, I'm praying its working as hard on those tumor cells as it is on Craig's nausea. Again, I'm always here if you have any random questions about the treatment stuff.

Anonymous said...

Michelle, I have tried to post a few times and later, I see, it didn't show up. I may have already mentioned it. PRAYING. LOVE YOU and GOD LOVES YOU MORE, Shannon Joe

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing, Michelle. Thinking and praying for you all everyday. I admire your strength :) I'm here for you if you ever need anything.

Anonymous said...

Hello Craig. Please know that your BNI group is praying for you continously. You are truly a great and respected father, husband, professional, and friend. We are praying that God will heal you and remove your pain. Keep looking upward, God does hear our prayers.

Michelle - thank you for sharing about your day to day events and struggles. We will keep lifting you and the girls up as well. Please call us if we can EVER be of any help. P.S. It was so great to see you both dedicating your youngest daughter at church recently. What a blessing!


Kaye Nichols

Lavin said...

Michelle, I'm always up for GNO - anytime! Also anytime you want/can sneak out for lunch we can either meet and eat lunch, or do a quick 30 minute pedi like we used to...you definitely need to find some time to set aside for yourself for your own sanity as a caregiver!
On a separate note there will be some boys at your house this weekend to rake leaves and do some yard work...so don't freak out when you see some strange high school kids in your yard :)
Love you all lots and praying for you always!

Meagan Sisk said...

Michelle - Please know that as a sadly out-of-touch friend, it means so much to be able to know how you all are doing, and to know specifically how and what to pray for! You all are in my thoughts and prayers every day. Nothing is impossible with God, your faith, your family and your friends! I have no doubt that God has you in the palm of his hand, and will keep you there throughout this journey.
sincerely -

Carla said...

It sounds like you appreciate getting comments, so I thought I should start leaving them. I might as well since I check your blog each time I sit down to nurse Harper, so that's about 6-7x a day! It made me sad to hear you say that you're lonely at night. Please know that you're not alone. You are in the thoughts & prayers of numerous friends & family 24/7!!!! We are always thinking of you...& maybe some (like myself) are scared or hesitant to call b/c we don't want to bother you. I know how overwhelming things must be right now. Your strength amazes me. I really think you have the right attitude to fight this monster, & I'm sure you are an inspiration to many. Don't ever feel bad when you have down moments or days. That is only natural, & they are outweighed by your immense positivity. Please know that you can call me at any hour if you want/need to talk/vent. Chances are, I'm up! Sending you good thoughts, prayers & hugs from Ohio! Let us know if you need ANYTHING! I really wish I lived closer. Love you! - Carla