He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

If you build it he will come...

Okay so we are on hold until Thursday so here is a semi-funny story (depending on your sense of humor). Disclaimer: We have a sick sense of humor around here.

Last week Craig was still getting use to his pain meds and didn't get a lot of sleep the first couple nights back at home. When you have never had anything wrong with you or never had any type of surgery then you never know the effects these meds are going to have. So when Craig would take his pain meds and try to go to sleep he would hear voices. He said they really weren't saying anything but they were annoying (um - yeah I would think so). So the second morning when we woke (to probably a child demanding to watch cartoons) I asked him if he heard the voices. He said "yes, they said "Build it and he will come..." Quickly I said, "We are NOT building a baseball field in the backyard."
This isn't Iowa buddy, it is Kentucky.

He is upstairs while I am working in the basement watching Field of Dreams. We are NOT building a baseball field in the backyard. (friends - do not show up with trucks to uproot my yard, Brent... Jason, do you hear me?!)

Another (not) funny story was in the hospital he said that he saw bugs all over the floor. I said I think you are hallucinating like I was in the hospital when I had Emily. (the pain meds made me see bugs and dirt around the room, it was so strange). He started laughing at me. He was just making fun of me. Hilarious buddy, hilarious...

These are the jokes people.


Mindy Hutchins said...

Yes, around here, he would need to build a basketball court!

Unknown said...

LOL!!! i don't know, Michelle... baseball field would be pretty sweet! Breit & Bohannon would be just the team to do it :)

Jenny graff said...

Zach would LOVE to play baseball when he comes over to play;) it'd be perfect, the girls could be cheerleaders! I think a baseball field is a must

brent said...

Com'on! I thought girls liked "diamonds".
Soooo...to be clear: I should cancel the order for a 37' tall green wall?? Just checking!