He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New bigger and better stet

Dr. Vitale replaced and installed a new longer stent today. They wrote Craig in at the beginning of the day but some 84 year old had an emergency overnight so we got bumped. We started our day at 6:00a at the hospital and they didn't get to Craig until 1:30ish in the afternoon. One hour procedure, recovery, parking... blah blah, we were home at 4:00ish. So tired. Craig is feeling better but groggy but hopeful that this time it worked. His billyrubin was going down before they even redid it, at a 8 before surgery, so that is good but it just wasn't fast enough for their liking. The oncologist will do labs Thursday morning to see if this one is good to go and doing its job.

As far as a treatment plan, at this point, we are leaning toward staying and doing the clinical trail in Louisville. After an extended conversation with a friend of a friend of my brothers who is a GI doc at MD Anderson we are about 80% sure that we need to stay here and give the one here a try before uprooting the whole family. Although MD Anderson is not out of the question for the future it would be best to start at home. He assured us that the clinical trails that they have going on there are not magic, they are not a micracle drug or he would tell us to get on a plane tomorrow. The trial at MD Anderson that would fit Craig best would be once a week for a long time so we would be moving to TX rather than visiting for a day or so once a month. So that is where we are tonight. We will sleep on it and pray about it again again again to make sure it is the right plan for Craig's health.

Emily (4) and I read the story tonight at bedtime about Jesus healing 10 lepers and only one comes back to thank Him.
Dear God, If you choose 10 pancreatic cancer patient to heal and Craig is one of them, we WILL be the one that comes back to thank you.
Luke 17:19 Rise and go, your faith has made you well. 
And thank you God for sending us our Angel doctor, Chris that just spent 45 minutes on the phone with a total stranger to try to help them out. You provide in so many ways.

Tomorrow we have nothing and I like it that way. I should reschedule Hannah ped. appt but I would like to go one day without someone in my family getting poked with a needle. poor baby.


Cheryl said...

I'm so glad you talked to someone here. That plan makes a lot of sense, and we're here and ready for you if thats the path you need to take later on. Continued prayers your way!

Mindy Hutchins said...

Sweet story that I thought as a Mommy you would like. Each night, when I put Mae down for bed I pray for you, Craig and your girls. Mae hasn't questioned my prayers like I thought she would, but tonight at dinner she surprised me. Before meals she sings her little prayer song of thanks and tonight she asked "Should we pray for Craig?". Roy and I both looked at each other in shock - these kids catch on to more than we think. So, big and small, we are all praying for you.

Michelle Merimee said...

We'll take it Miss Mae! Sometimes it seems like God hears the little voices more than the big ones. :)