He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Monday, October 11, 2010

He vs. We

When I post updates on the blog I usually type "we are ...." then backspace over the "we" and put "he". Although it felt like we were both being diagnosed with cancer in the hospital we aren't. When Dr. Bowls came in I was laying in bed with Craig like we do when we talk about anything. Parents with multi kids and jobs etc know the only time you normally get to chance up is laying in bed 10 minutes before you dose off. Although that is not ideal it is normal. So I wasn't going to sit in the chair aside my husband and stare at him like a hospital patient. He wasn't a hospital patient he is my husband. "To have and to hold, in sickness (gulp) and in health." So when they came in to say the spots on the liver were cancer I was laying right there. The doc was looking at me too like I had it too. He is the one that has to fight this physically and in ways I am just a cheerleader on the sidelines and in other ways this is just as much my diagnosis as it is his.

I had a rough afternoon and late evening yesterday. And Craig was the one talking hope and God is bigger than this. And anything can happen with God's love. Cheerleaders get tired too.

We have an oncologist appointment downtown today at 1:00. They will check the billyrubin count. They have a clinical trial in town that we/he could do. We are still thinking about going to TX and we will probably make that decision today after this appointment. Please pray that the billyrubin has gone down and they don't have to go back in and do another stet surgery this week. And pray for guidance on next steps.

thanks for all the prayers.


Unknown said...

I'm thinking about you guys. Let me know if there is anyway I can help.

Nikki Johnson said...

I have a dear friend (another DG) that lives in TX and her husband is undergoing treatment at MD Anderson. She said it is THE BEST and she is definitely willing to talk to you all about it if you have any questions about the facility. Know that we are all praying for you and are amazed by your strength and grace throughout this journey.

Lavin said...

I/we are still praying hard for you all, you both are constantly in my prayers/thoughts and I know you will call if you need us for anything - around the house, with the girls or just to listen or if you need some time by yourselves. We love you, Lavin & Rich
PS - Zach helped with the pumpkin face for dinner last night, he was hoping Morgan liked it :)

Shannon said...

Gretchen (Shorr) has a friend who was not making any progress in her cancer treatment til she went to MD. Prayers for Craig's billy levels to go down so that the Lville trial is an option. Praying everyday. And what a blessing of a wife you are...HE VS. WE brings tears to my eyes. You are a cheerleader and yes, cheerleaders get tired too!!! Praying...

Jennygraff said...

Of course cheerleaders get down too! Cancer doesn't just affect the individual; but the entire family. You all have a strong support system....USE IT! use me;) use Eric;) in not sure what help zach would be, but use him too! 'why let your holders bend underneath this burden when my back is sturdy and strong'. ;)