He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Thursday, October 28, 2010

fatigue, nausea and the office

He is doing a little better today just really really tired and nausea but keeping everything down. He is watching DVRed The Office episodes but I think he is too tired to laugh. He is really ready for that port to come out. They will be here tomorrow afternoon to de-access him. The girls are at Shellshouse, (the loved sitters house) they say it like it is all one word. I am working a little on one of my favorite projects, Kroger Food Angels.
Just one day at a time...

I caught myself saying last night, "if this isn't hell..."
It is a rough time, no doubt, but in hell there is not friendship or companionship. I have friends that I can call at anytime. I have had supplies dropped off at my doorstep twice today. I have dinner waiting for me at Janelle's. People have been ridiculously good to us. Folding towels while watching UofL football, power washing the deck, mowing the lawn, sending care packages, dinners, dinners, dinners, supportive emails, loads of laundry have left the house and returned folded, gift cards, inspirational cards etc. The support has been amazing. This blog is up to 12,000+ pageviews so I know that people are praying for us and I can feel it. There isn't a thank you note big enough to thank you for the support we have experienced. Thanks for everything.


Anonymous said...

May God bless your family and give you His peace that surpasses all understanding. That's got to be the only peace that will help you guys get through this tough time. We miss Craig at Rotary and please let us know what we can do. Lambert

Anonymous said...

We love you both. Prayers for peace and understanding as you walk this path
Karen and Norman Kuckuck