He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Morgan - that girl is just too much

the girls have come to visit twice. i put them in PJs after dinner and then they come on into the hospital. I have told them that dad has a "rock" in his belly and it is cancer. they are not even afriad of that word. it could be because their friend ViviAnne just finished treatment for leukmia in September and we use it often. but they didn't flinch when i said cancer. they saw his "button" (port) to get the medicine into him tonight. they miss their daddy terribly. emily melts down in tears at times and all the sudden the troubles of the world come pouring out and you can't answer it quick enough. morgan not so much, she gets nervous and can't sit still (can't tell where she gets that - ha!).
anyway this was supposed to be a cute story and I got side tracked. at times we play high/low at the dinner table. What was the best part of your day and what was the worse? So Craig asked Morgan tonight, what was the best part of her day. "well seeing you, daddy" do you need another reason to kick this?!

I came back up to the hospital after I got everyone down for the night at the house (mom is staying with us) and Craig seems in great spirit and much better mood than this afternoon. what can a little dose of daughters can do...

side note: i dont know why the times are incorrect on here. and if there is anything that you want to know let me know. i am leaving details out about craig bc well cancer and what he is dealing with physically just isnt pretty.

1 comment:

MarkSchulteJr said...

Mark Schulte We're thinking about you here in St. Louis Craig.