He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bilirubin still high

Craig's bilirubin count is still too high. It is still at an 8.1 and it needs to go down to a 1.5 (sorry I thought it was a 2-3) to qualify for the clinical trial. We have until Tuesday to get it down. They will do more blood work Monday and see if it is down. Dr. Ham expects it to be down based on the fact that Craig's eyes are not as yellow as they have been so he thinks it is on its way. There is not much to do to help except stay away from fried foods, high fatty foods and drink a lot of water so that is what we will do this weekend. I have to say I am anxious about it but there is no use in that it won't help anything.

"Do not be anxious about anything but in everything prayer and petition..." Phil 4:6-7

They went ahead and gave us the information on the clinical trial and Craig signed the consent form to reserve his seat. They have another patient doing the same type and he is doing well three months out. His tumor has shrunk in half since he started. I think it is the same guy that she was talking about last time we were there, that rides the bicycle. Today she said travels too. She is Russian, so sweet and pretty funny. She was trying to explain the how cancer cells work. She says "you remember Biology 101 when they talk about the cells..." Lady, you don't even want to know what I got in biology 101. Most of the things she said today I didn't understand and there is so much to it. Finally I asked if there was a chart that I could look at, ah yes, there it is page 12 of 25... geez. We are just going to have to take it one week at a time. It is measured in 4 week cycles and then you do some test to see how things are going.

The regular chemo that Craig will be on is called Gemicidibine (sp?). It has little side-effects but if they do happen they should be easy to manage. They have drugs for nausea etc. He probably won't lose his hair... hahaha like that was a concern! He will go once a week for about an hour or two. The clinical trial drug is a pill taken at home daily. It has to be stored in the frig (move over butter, chemo coming through, freakin' ridiculous). Umm... what else.

He feels pretty good today after eating a little better. We had lunch at Qdoba after the appointment. He needs to eat smaller meals more often so he can maintain his weight better. It is so refreshing and wonderful when he feels good.

We have soccer tonight with Morgan and I hope that we will get to go as a family again tonight but we will see.

Anyway, we just need to pray for the bilirubin to drop drastically this weekend. Craig may add more to this later today.
Thanks for all the prayers keep them coming.


Shannon said...

Michelle, Craig, & girls,

Just wanted to send you a message tonight to say keep the faith. You all are definitely in my prayers. I will pray that Craig's bilirubin levels will plummet this weekend...praying that you all get rest this weekend as well. Rest and laughter...watch comedies. That may sound silly but when my brother was having his heart procedures done, and finding out about his heart condition, we watched comedies and it helped lighten the mood and lift his spirit. Anyway, praying for you and if you need anything, I will try to stay tuned in to see how (besides prayer) I can help from 2.5 hrs away.
Hugs- Shannon Joe

David Kittle said...

Ellen & I are praying for you and your family. I know what a strong Christian man you are! Keep the Faith .. Now Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see Heb 11:1

David & Ellen Kittle