He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Saturday, October 9, 2010


We made to soccer this morning. Craig said it was great to get out. It is so pretty outside. It is good to breathe different air. The team did great. It is 3 years olds so they don't keep score but I am pretty sure the purple team won. They were a little intense with the drills before the game. (geez, they are three!) Some of our guys think it is football. Morgan really just likes to run, not much for getting near the ball. Our super star is Ashleigh our niece. She is small but mighty. She makes it down the field in no time flat. I hope he feels up to coaching next week. He really loves it. It has been his dream to coach his kids and we decided to sign them up for soccer early before they had opinion on the sports they wanted to do. Emily has already bailed on soccer and does dance.

Craig is anxious to get to church and wanted to go tonight. I think the morning would be best. Too much crammed in the first day out is a recipe for disaster.

We just finished up a series at SECC on prayer and prayer is so powerful in groups. I am tempted to ask people to join us Sunday but I am afraid that Craig won't feel up to it and we might be a no show. We are day by day but at times we are hour be hour. Anyway, if you want to pray and worship with us tomorrow we always sit on the third floor in a section close to the middle. I have to admit I am ready for a little worship to lift up. Sounds crazy but I need a good anthem in my head and nothing is sticking right now.

Hope everyone is enjoying this pretty afternoon with their family. :)


Jenny said...

Glad you all were able to enjoy this beautiful day;)

Beth Phillips said...

We are praying, praying, praying for your family. So glad you are all back home under the same roof.