He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

treatment #6 and the pity party

at treatment #6 not happy campers.
we are tired. tired of this freaking mess.
This is the half way point of this treatment plan and we are just tired of this cancer life.
so this five minute's frustration is Craig's port is clogged so they have to unclog it before they can draw blood and get the blood counts before we can do any treatment.
I need a scripture that does allow this pity party to continue.
 I HATE that we are "those" people. Yesterday so many of the nurses knew us from the last stet replacement and most didn't even treat him. People know us b/c compare to others we are in a world of crap. We are the worst case scenario. While I appreciate the prayers and the support the pity is not helpful. The "I am so sorry" is just continuing the pity party we got going on right now. it is not production. Prayers are productive. Improving our relationship with God is productive.
I am so ticked off right now. Most crap situations you can work your tail end off until you are out of them. Debt- work more hours and get out of trouble. marriage problems - communicate until you think you know them better than you know yourself. fat - stop eating so much crap. bratty kids - spend more time with them until you figure out what their real problem is. cancer ----- I guess pray more. I walk right into that EVERY TIME I need a solution for this massive freaking mess.

so we sit in wait. We are not talking b/c there is nothing to say to remedy this mess. I think Craig fell asleep. I am going to work right now and of course pray that I can control myself and not have the two-year-old temper tantrum I feel like having.

How's that for an uplifting post? sorry scott, I will find you a joke or something.

1 comment:

Rick Blair said...

Good for you, Michelle! There is nothing wrong with being ticked off. By the way, God doesn't mind that you yell at Him - it's a form of prayer. Remember, He showed that He was ticked off several times. Just don't go turning over a table in the market place. Even Kroger. And by the way, produce a Kroger ad that makes them remove all the displays from the aisles. They get in my way.

I am not "sorry" for you guys, because you have the fortitude to fight this. I would be sorry, if you didn't fight it with every ounce of your being.

Hang tough you guys, because that is what it takes - fighters. I would expect nothing less of Craig!

Kiss and hug your daughters.