He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Sunday, January 9, 2011

ERCP Monday

Tomorrow morning is my ERCP. We'll be replacing my stent probably with a permanent one. I report at 8am. They put me under so they can a stick a camera down my throat and run it all the way down to my stomach and have a look around. It will also be able to remove the current stent and place a new one in my billary duct. The mass in my pancreas pushes against this main duct and restricts proper passage. They will also be able to look around and see hopefully what exactly has been causing me pain the last week and what sent me to the ER. Inflammation in my stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas? Oddly, since my collarbone has been hurting, it very well be my gall bladder according to the smart people. Something about the same nerve line? Anyhow, I pray things go smoothly and they are able to replace to stent with a better one and they realize what's been making me hurt and come up with a plan to get rid of the hurt. I also pray I don't get the nasty side effect of pancreatitis which somtimes can happen from "playing" in that area. Surprisingly I have had no side effect the last 2 times with soreness in my throat or anything like that. I did have a sore abdomen but I had a lot of blockages going on so that was almost expected. Anyhow, I'm not that nervous about this procedure except I hope for a quick recovery because I go in for my next treatment this Tuesday. It will be a tough week but I'm ready to "get it on" and over. The procedure itself I believe takes about an hour but I'll have recovery and all that so I don't expect to get home until tomorrow afternoon. My doctor tomorrow is Dr. Vitale which is kind of the rock star in this field here in the region so I know I'm in good hands but I'll say a prayer that God helps him in my procedure. It's time for me to try and get some sleep. We'll update sometime tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dr. Vitale is an excellent MD. Will be thinking of you.