He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Monday, January 31, 2011

Best 2 week cycle

I've been afraid to post on here the last few days but this last 2 week cycle has been my best yet. It followed a pretty crappy what ended up being a 3 week cycle last time but I'm elated some things have turned around. I don't know the huge difference but I have been taking pancreatic enzymes which help my pancreas function better when I eat. After my last chemo treatment 2 weeks ago, I was able to bounce back a little quicker than I ever have. This week has been very good to me. I've had some energy to spend real quality time with the family and some friends. The highlight was Michelle's family came to town this past weekend and got some hotel rooms which allowed us to get together at the hotel and go swimming. The girls and I always have a ball when it's swim time. I had the energy to swim with them, pull them around the pool (like a motorboat as Morgan would say) and I got to throw them high in the air and in the pool. The girls have an absolute ball and its just good old fashioned fun. I'll say it's like the good ole days because it was pure happiness at its best. I found swimming as a good activity for me but too bad it's winter. I've been out of the house everyday for the past week and that keeps me happy. Sitting here in the house can drag me down if it I let it just because I get tired from not being active. I'm still a little tired each day and sometimes have to rest to catch my breath sometimes. I still have to take a nap or rest each afternoon. I forgot to on Sunday and was absolutely worn out come that evening. I've been eating like a horse the last few days and the good news is my system is letting me. I always try to frantically gain weight when I can eat. I eat 3 healthy size meals a day and some kind of snack between every meal and before I go to bed. I finished my naked burrito from Qdoba today and that's the first time I've done that since my diagnosis. It usually would provide 3 different meals for me. I've put a few pounds on which is a good thing and I've been eating a lot better. Lots of apples, chicken, salmon, almonds, good pasta, brown/wild rice, etc. I'm a lot more confident and hopeful going into my treatment tomorrow. I hope these next 2 weeks are as good as these past two. I'm half way on treatments as far as the current plan is concerned and that serves as some motivation for me. If I can keep going, mid April will be my 12th treatment and that sticks in my head. Hopefully everything keeps going in the right direction and I can get some quality time without a treatment looming. Tomorrow is Feb 1 and that means we are 28 days away from March, that's motivation for me. I absolutely hate this wintertime and can't wait until I'm not physically cold all of the time. My body temp is permanently low right now and I usually wear a wool sweater and fleece around the house; evidently the house is a normal temperature to everyone else. Tomorrow, I believe, we'll do another tumor maker test. That test keeps going down and is getting close to being in the range of where the doctors goal towards. My "good range" and goal is for the number to be under 49 and we were down to 78 a few weeks ago. I'm in awe it's gotten that low and I often feel it's too good to be true. I'm more afraid to hear the number than I am to look forward to hearing what it is. It's never been up, it's been lower every time but I'm still worried about the number. We'll meet with the doctor in the morning which we don't do every visit so I'll get to ask some questions. God has still been my rock through this and he lifts me up when I get down. I feel the presence of people praying for me in different corners of the country and here in town which has been extremely powerful. Please keep it up, I'm still going to be doing this for a while.
I wanted to also ask you to keep Donna Merkt in your prayers. Donna is my very good friend Sean's mom and cancer is getting the best of her right now. She's been in the hospital now for more than a week and is fighting a true fight for her life right now.


Mindy Hutchins said...

Just FYI - in church on Sunday, our Pastor reminded us that we can pray for God to intervene and we can pray for God to heal, He has the power to do that. I prayed specifically for you Craig, that God would intervene and HEAL you! You continue to stay on our minds everyday. We never forget about the struggle you and the ladies are going through.

Rick Blair said...

Great to hear you so positive and energetic. I know that you make one of the best motor boats ever. Hope the tumor marker yields good results tomorrow. Give Sean my best.

Virginia Schulte said...

Thanks so much for letting me know about Donna. I'll make sure Mark knows. Glad you are doing better and hope you still are after your treatment yesterday.