He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy Birthday to me!

With all sincerity, it's been my worst birthday to date but it is another one and I'll take many more. I'm having a very tough time with "hanging in there." My physical strength is my biggest challenge right now. I've gained about 6 lbs this week since we declined treatment last week but I'm still low on gas. My treatment tomorrow has made me anxious for the majority of my birthday. I'm worried about being able to physically walk out of there because it takes so much out of me. I share these things not to show weakness but to tell the reality of my situation. I have to pick myself up when I get down and quickly remind myself that I can do this and better days are ahead. My mental strength is being tested pretty hard core right now just because I feel too tired to do normal things. Spending time with my girls is pure enjoyment but it's a physical struggle. My relationship with them tries my soul in the most difficult way because they are so young and so perfect to me. I don't ever want them to have hurt and that scares the hell out of me. They understand their daddy is sick but don't realize what can happen. Michelle has been a great pick me up this week and I always feel better talking to her. I HATE to put anymore stress on her but she's doing her part to keep me standing.
I do still have the fight and determination to make it out of this. It may take another few very cold months of me getting beat up but we think things are moving in the right direction as far as the cancer is concerned. We just hope the chemo doesn't wipe me out first. I hope I didn't sound too negative on here becuase I'm more positive than negative throughout the day, I've just to got to get things off my chest is some fashion. Lastly but never least, still giving props to God for protecting me and my family and I know I can trust Him to stay with me. He does give me the strength to continue this fight and I'm grateful. I still praise him in my thoughts because I know he gave up his only Son for me.


Virginia said...

Just want you to know I'm praying for you daily. I'm going to see Mark on Wednesday for his birthday. Did you know your birthdays are just 3 days apart? I'm praying especially for your strength at this time, glad to hear you are putting on weight.

Rick Blair said...


While it was not the "happiest" of birthdays for you, the joy of being with your four (yes four) girls was the best gift of all - as you well know. I hope that your treatment goes well and that the numbers continue to go in the right direction.

God gives us unbelievable strength. You and Michelle are living examples of His love and strength.And while the "hang in there" gets redundant, remember that you can get through anything once and if you can get through it once, you can get through it again and again.

God bless and keep you.