He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Finally a good week (so far)

I was robbed of my good week it seems like forever ago but so far, my good week that I'm supposed to have has actually been good. Being good means having some energy to get off my behind and be somewhat normal. I've been up and about that last few days and out of the house. When I didn't have energy, I would pay a million bucks to not have to leave the house and stay under my warm blanket. Now, I'm looking for some errands to run just because it gets me out. The cold weather still really pisses me off but I bundle up like it's -10 outside to keep from being miserable. If you see me out, I'm the guy in the Bears toboggan, Columbia ski jacket, scarf and gloves. I've been getting up, showering and taking the girls to school all before 8:45 which says alot, at least to me. I jumped on the treadmill and walked 1/2 mile this morning at a very a slow walk. I did this partially to see how I would respond. I felt good doing it. I need to build up some energy but was also afraid I'd burn too many calories which I need. I think my slow walk didn't hurt me and I think it helped. Today I made it to see my rotary group in Oldham County which I'm a member. I got up in front of the group and talked about my journey for a few minutes with them. I had not been to see the group since my diagnosis so it was emotional for me. I got to thank them for spearheading a dinner they put on for me in my honor in which they wanted to give a gift for me and my family which was very humbling. My unexpected attendance and talk put the pressure on Mitch Barnhart (UK AD) to shorten his visit to the group and speech a little bit but I guess some things are more important than college athletics these days. I ran a couple of quick errands after my lunch meeting with the group. I still had to lay down afterwards and napped from 2-4.
I feel like I haven't talked on here in a while, maybe I did, but my brain and memory isn't what used to be. One thing we haven't talked about on here which has been a huge adjustment for me is my diet. I was super reluctant at first but am buying in to trying to be on the more healthier side. My doctor pretty much told me to eat anything I felt like eating and eat as much as you can. I used to eat Graeters butter pecan ice cream all the time in the evenings to try and fatten me up some and it was so good. I haven't had a scoop in weeks. We've talked to a few nutritionists and have gotten different information and view points. There's the debate out there and you can google it but supposedly cancer loves sugar. This was not welcome news to me. I love sugar. I've researched some and have read articles on both view points but it is an argument that gets my attention. First of all, it's kind of impossible to avoid sugar, even fruits have some types of sugar in it. I've been extremely worried about my weight and I've been told to pack on the pounds but how they heck do I do that on some diet that involves cutting out sugar. Some articles say I'm killing myself if I eat sugar and others say those people are crazy, every cell in your body needs some sugar. After some really hard headedness and debates with my wife, I've decided to take a more healthier approach. As I said, I was worried about weight but I did some research on the internet and found out how to eat healthier and still gain weight. I finally bought in. My approach really has been to limit my sugar intake the best I can. I don't eat ice cream at night, I don't eat the chocolate chip cookies on the counter even though they look so good. My diet summed up really is to eat proteins (chicken, salmon, other fishes etc), eat vegetables, eat fruit. I discovered almonds are a great healthy snack, an apple, an orange, string cheese, cottage cheese (low fat), guacamole (have to cheat a little bit with the chips), peanut butter surprisingly (less sugary versions). I still try and eat as much as I can during the day. I've been to able to gain a few pounds sticking to this as well and am supposed to be able to. I still love pasta dishes and eat that but I've learned the whole grain pasta is better for you. Brown rice is really good for you. The one thing that will stop me up and probably send me back to the ER is eating red meat. I miss meat sauce on my spaghetti and chili and all the other good stuff but I'm absolutely afraid of red meat now. I'm going to lunch with my mom tomorrow at Cheddars and I'm looking forward to my salmon on rice with green beans and corn. It's been a huge adjustment for me because I loved to go out to dinner and get whatever the heck I wanted. No red meat, nothing fried (I miss my BW3's boneless chicken wings), nothing real fatty. I'm headed to Whole Foods on Thursday with my aunt and we are going to survey the store and do some shopping. Truth is I can still eat most things, I just need to stay off the snacking on sugary items and focus more on the stuff that is better for me. I feel good about what I'm doing and I am having a good week!


Lavin said...

Answered prayers at least for a good week - thankful for that! We'll do our best to help you with that healthy eating and supply healthy meals!! Hope the rest of the week goes as well as the start has been and take care! Hope to see you all soon!

Elizabeth Stepien Hahn said...

Craig, it sounds like you are doing well and that is wonderful! Your new diet seems to be like my pregnany "diet", or what mine is supposeed to be.

Good luck with keeping with the plan and do enjoy those chips, even if they have to come with much healthier guacamole!

I hope that the next week goes as well.

Rick Blair said...


Sounds as if your diet is on the right tract. It is difficult to balance what is normally seen as healthy, while taking in enough calories and fat grams to put on a few extra pounds. I like your doctor's advice to eat as much as you can tolerate. I hope you enjoy Chedder's - never had a bad meal there.
God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Hi Craig Just a note about your diet I am a 52 year old man with stage 4 PC going into my 3rd year and lost almost 100 lbs and I just wanted to say I eat a lot of sugar and the only thing I have to worry about is my blood sugar levels. I am not saying you should do that, just that it has not been an issue for me. As far as your food backing up for me the issue was taking the right amount of meds to keep the flow going through. It is a hit and miss as you know but when you get it right life is so much better. Hang in there and you will be fine. J Williams

Carla said...

Hi Craig! I just wanted to urge you to keep up with the avocados. Harper has not been gaining much weight since she was born...I weigh her weekly...each month she seemed to gain less. At her 5 month appt. I found out that she had only gained 6oz the entire month. I was determined to get her to gain weight for the 6 month appt. I started feeding her 1/2 an avocado each night for dinner. We just had her 6 month appt. She gained 2 lbs in one month! Woo hoo! I was so excited! Anyway, as soon as I read that you wanted to pack on some pounds without eating sugar, avocados were the first think I thought of. Take care! Love you guys!