He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Monday, January 10, 2011

back at home

Craig is asleep and recovering from the stet procedure this morning. Dr. Vitale put two stets in this time to try to help with some of the digestive issues Craig has been having. They did an ultrasound of the gallbladder to see if there was anything wrong there but the office will have to call with those results later this week. He assumed the pain was coming from the cancer itself just like the doc at Norton Brownsboro said on Thursday but minds well check.
They were going to put in a 6 months - 1 year stet in but with the troubles he has had he said the temporary one would be better. So that one will have to be replaced in 90 days. I asked if he would ever not need the stet and he said no the pancreatic tumor would never shrink small enough to be without a stet. really? My plan is to be without a pancreatic tumor and no liver spots by derby. No Dr. V? Hmmmm... you must not realize how many people we have praying for that miracle. I would love to prove him wrong on that one.   Actually I would love to have God prove him wrong on that "fact". He is a nice man so I am sure he would love to be proven wrong too. He recommended a procedure that would clip the nerves so that Craig doesn't feel the pain but I have trouble with that not b/c of the pain but there is a reason for the pain and if there is a solutions for the pain rather than just blocking it then I think that would be better for his overall health. Not sure that Dr. V and I see eye to eye on life expectations. shocking I know....

1 comment:

sara said...

Glad to hear the stent procedure went well - praying for good results on the tumor marker tomorrow!!