He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Thursday, January 6, 2011

quick trip to the ER this morning

Craig had a scheduled doctor's appointment this morning at 9:30 but at 5:00 woke up to intense pain at his collar bone and side. Instead of going downtown we opted for the ER at Brownsboro this morning since he was in such pain. They ran all the labs to see if the stet was clogged up which would have increased the billirubin and liver function numbers. They ran two more blood test to check for pancreatisis and those were negative.
So it boils down to cancer is painful. They pumped him full of pain meds and sent us on our way.
If the billirubin or other liver function numbers were elevated they would have redone the stet today but it was a 1.0 so that can wait until Monday as planned.
We still hope to get to the nutritionist maybe tomorrow to see if there are foods that will make him feel better overall and still help him gain weight back.

So that was our morning. The girls went to school even though it was a Michelle's house day. They will probably go to Michelle's tomorrow so that we can go to the nutritionist.
We shall see what tomorrow brings.


Anonymous said...

Craig and Michelle,
Just wanted to say your family is in my prayers. I think about you guys all the time and marvel at how strong you are in your faith. You inspire us all! There are many studies that show how nutrition plays a role in our health - I'm sure the nutritionist will be able to give you some good information. Take care, Debbie H.

Meagan Sisk said...

So sorry to hear that today was so rough - hopefully the next few days will bring some relief! Thinking and praying for you guys!

Rick Blair said...

Simply know that there are more people pulling for you then are aware of. My class keeps you in their daily prayers.