He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day #5 after treatment #2

This time around has been better. I've kept nauseau at bay and only got sick once. We were able to stay ahead of the game which is key. As Michelle has pointed out, fatigue is the #1 mental and physical challenge. It is a very big challenge being worn down when you are lying down, when you are sitting up and also when standing. The fatigue is caused by the war going on inside my body between chemo and my cells. I keep telling myself 'Wednesday' because I should be closer to par as far as feeling good. I hate complaining when I shouldn't be complaining, it's just still hard. Each hour I have to mentally decide to fight through the tiredness and either eat something, or empty the dishwasher or fold towels or play wii, etc. I'm trying hard to stop complaining to Michelle too about being tired, that's my other struggle as well. I am enthused about having a little extra time off this go round, November 30 is my next treatment day (because of the holidays and our request). Beginning Nov 30th, I'll be on a every other Tuesday plan through April. It's weird to schedule out that far in advance but it tells me a lot. I should be good for Christmas and Emily's b-day; I'll have a treatment on Morgan's bday in Feb :(. Of course, things, treatments or whatever could change between now and then. On another note, I've got the UofL West Virginia circled on my calendar this Saturday as a game I'd like to get to with the Michelle and the girls (minus Hannah). We'll see if we can make it. It should be in the high 50's or 60 for the game so that part sounds reasonable. I'm looking forward to Christmas shopping and I have never said that before. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving and seeing mine and Michelle's family. We will not be hosting so that's a plus. Not much else going on, just waiting for Wednesday I guess. I made it to church this past weekend which was good. They played one of my favorite songs, the one that sticks in my head about every day. Favorite Line: "I can see a light that is coming for the hand that holds on, and there will be an end to these troubles, but until that day comes, still I will praise You." I still have plenty to be thankful and that is why I will keep praising; I've been given so much and for that I am thankful.

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