He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Monday, December 5, 2011

No chemo today...maybe ever

After Craig was feeling better Thursday night and into Friday the question of whether to continue chemo was brought back up. The appointment was held on the calendar. Hospice came Friday and at that point chemo was still in question and he couldn't be a hospice client and stay on Gemzar. There are some chemos they cover and you can be a hospice patient but Gemzar is not one of them. At that point we were suppose to call the insurance company to see if they would create a loop-hole so we could both.

We talked in length about it Saturday night and were leaning in the direction of not going to chemo.
Would it do any good? probably not
Would it make him feel worse? probably
Where was most of the anxiety and pain for Craig? the side effects from the treatment
Are we at the point of choosing quality or quantity? Yes, we have probably been there longer than we would like to admit to ourselves. And your first thought is quantity since he has such young kids, but is that fair to them or to him?

After an up and down weekend and a really rough Sunday Craig opted out of chemo today. Hospice really didn't weigh into the decision. He feels like crap most of the time. Whatever he eats makes him feel like crap. We watched a little bit of mindless TV together last night in the living room and I could hear the war going on in his digestive system right now. It is like his liver, pancreas, stomach are all SCREAMING at this cancer, YOU ARE IN THE WAY of us doing our jobs! And they are so exhausted. (that is a really strange image of organs yelling but you get the point). He is just tired all the time. His body is just tired. And chemo and side effects on top of that war may only make the war that much more hateful to his overall condition.

So here I sit in my living room trying to talk myself into get something (anything!) done while he sleeps/rest.
Not going to chemo today is very hard. It is a reminder that this is really happening. It is really happening.
To be (brutally, non-PC) honest, there have been moments where I have ask God to just take him. I can't bare to see him struggle like this. I can't stand the conversation at the breakfast table about Daddy waking little girls up throwing up any more. I have had moments where I have said this is just too much, just take him and I will figure out whatever new normal that means. It sounds harsh and some of you will probably think I am a horrible person but if you have seen someone suffer like I have seen Craig suffer you want whatever is going to take it away to happen! (Don't judge, you don't know.) I know that heaven is a place where there is no pain. With this type cancer there isn't a place on earth (hospital, doctors office, universities etc. ) that the disease can be taken from his body for good so if it means moving to heaven then at those low points that is what made the most sense to me. I use the term "moving" on purpose. I see Craig moving not leaving us. This is not our Home. He gets to go Home sooner than we would have liked (by about 50 years) but he can help prepare our Heavenly house until we meet again. And when you love someone as much as we love him, just take him and I will figure the rest down here.

But today, I am just so tearful that this is actually happening to my husband and best friend.

God can't have him until after Emily's birthday or Christmas, my heart can't handle that. I need a year to prepare for Christmas without him so please pray for more time... just get us into 2012 and then we will deal with it...


Rick Blair said...


No one would think you are a "horrible person" when you want God to grant your best friend peace and void of suffering. Home to the Father is the purpose of the journey for all of us, as you express so well. However, the journey is all we know at this point and when you are with the best people the journey is the incredible experience.

At school we have just lost Brother James Kelly to cancer. For the past few months he came to be in the peace of Christ and he was prepared to leave this journey and to experience the next. It was an amazing sight to behold.

Even with all you have been through, I know that you two cherish each minute you have with each other - noisy stomachs notwithstanding.

God Bless

Nutmeg said...

Michelle, I don't think you are a horrible person for wanted God to take him. I remember when my Grandfather was really sick and I asked God to "ease his pain"... whatever that meant. If it meant he stayed with us, great. If it meant he went to Heaven, that was fine to. It's hard to see our loved ones in pain. But it's also hard to let them go. God will not give you more than you can handle.

God Bless,

KentuckyDG17 said...

Michelle, to me, what you say merely shows how much you love your husband and how much you love the Lord. You get that this world is just our "temporary home."I have been, and will continue to, praying that you and your family would have this holiday season together. You are in my prayers daily.
Kristin Keith

Meagan Sisk said...

Michelle, the only horrible thing in this, is the disease. Your grace and honesty have inspired so many. Please always remember that you are in our thoughts and prayers, wherever this journey takes you!

Anonymous said...

Reiterating what the others are saying, no one thinks you are horrible. You know, I know and Craig knows that Heaven is the place he's meant to be (we all are meant to be). God continues to work in your lives. Praying for TIME!


Anonymous said...

No one wants to see Craig suffer, least of all you and the girls. Sometimes the most courageous choice is the hardest one to make.

Mrs.Berry said...

There is not a single person who would consider your desire for Craig's peace to be horrible. It's compassionate, true love in its rawest form. I've shared your story with so many people, encouraged them to find the warmth in the things you all write. You're touching lives all over. Your faith and love are moving people that I never thought could be moved.
You and your sweet family are in my heart, and my family is holding you in our prayers. Our prayer for your family is for each day to be a beautiful experience, a day filled with love.


Roy said...

Dear Michelle, God knows that you are not a "horrible person". When you ask Our Lord to take him shows just how much love you have for Craig. I have been praying and asking Our Lord that if it's time for Craig to leave this world to please wait until after New Year so his children in the future won't have sadness at Christmas because that's when they lost their DAD. You and Craig have shown so much courage during this terible time in your lives. I'm sure your courage has been helpful to others. May Our Lord rest His hand on you and your children and continue to comfort you. God Bless both of you

jhartlage said...

"This is not our home, this is not our home, this is not our home"! So glorious to envision, yet difficult to acknowledge.

Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Unknown said...

I feel your pain so deep in my bones as if it is my own.

We had the smae struggle - obvioulsy you know this. Quantity or Quality.... I will pray for a wonderful Christmas Season for you.

With deep respect and love,

PS. Ed will be waiting and they can celebrate their pain-free new life and get things ready for us!

Bridgette said...

will definitely pray for that request of time