He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Feeling Better

Skipping treatment on Monday was not an easy decision to be made but it has brought me a few good days.  The last 3 days have been about my best days in the last 4 weeks.  I guess it is true I feel best when I'm off treatment.  If I would have taken the treatment, I'd still be laid up in bed most likely and probably miserable.  The treatement may have helped me but the truth is I'd be facing another treatment next Monday.  I have so much anxiety that goes on with those treatments looming and I feel like I'm free right now.  I'm still taking naps and am still tired but I'm up and about and I've been out of the house a bunch lately.  I went to lunch with a few friends today.  Michelle and I got out yesterday and got to see the diamonds we picked out for my girls for the first time.  They are beautiful  We got a round for Emily, a square cut for Morgan and a pear shaped diamond for Hannah.  Tomorrow is Morgan's big Christmas appearance in her school's "Holiday" (We call it Christmas) Presentation.  Friday is meet with the funeral home to do some preplanning.  We've got a Merimee X-mas party this weekend and Emily's big #6 birthday is next Tuesday.  We've got a lot going on so helpfully my health buys some precious time over the next few weeks.  Thank you to all of you hanging in here with us.  My days are precious and I thank God for each and every day and ask for more days.  Tonight is short and sweet for you.

If you never got the chance or are willing to do it again, PANCAN is making it's last big push of this year to encourage our Congress to push the Pancreatic Cancer Research and Education Act to a vote.  We have some representatives here in Kentucky that have not pledged their support yet of the bill, namely Rep. Geoff Davis and senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul.  Here is a link to PANCAN's website that allows you to send a quick note to these representatives.  John Yarmuth of Louisville has pledged his support but we still need the senators.  Davis represensts Oldham County and all of the counties through Northern Kentucky.  Please consider taking a few moments to take part in this.  The bill will force the National Cancer Institute to put together a strategic plan in fighting pancreatic cancer which currently allots about 2% of it's budget to fight the 4th biggest cancer killer out there.


Rick Blair said...


Very good to hear that you are feeling better. I hope you get outside today - beautiful sunshine. Go get on the swings in the park or take a nice walk.

A chapel full of teachers and students remembered you in the petitions today at Mass for the Immaculate Conception.

God Bless

Silver Shores, LLC. said...

Glad you are feeling better. I am praying for you and your family and your friends daily.
I sent the note to my Senators.