He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Friday, September 30, 2011

Thankful Thursday (on Friday morning)

Sorry this is a bit late, now that Grey's is back on we may have to do thankful Fridays.

This thankful Thursday is an easy one.
Thank you God for the sunshine yesterday! The girls and I played outside for HOURS yesterday. They drew the birds in the sky, rode bikes, scooters, drove the jeep around etc. We met a neighbor that goes to our church. We have lived here 5 years and I don't know the neighbors very well, sadly we have just been sleeping in our house most of those years rather than really living here. The busy life of daycare, work, sleep, eat, survive, rinse repeat has been our existence for many years. Part-time is a good thing for this mom. :)
Which leads me to my next thankful point. Thank you for my job! I love what I do (media buyer) and I love the gals that I work with. I am thankful for flex-time and part-time and the privilege of putting in my time and then picking up my kids and playing outside (with an iPhone attached to my side but none the less, I'm outside with my kids!).

Thank you for letting us be a family of 5 today and yesterday and the day before.
Thank you for great friends and great heart-to-hearts.

God is so good today and everyday!

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