He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Friday, September 9, 2011

thankful thursday

written yesterday:
Craig is still getting chemo and I think he is already feeling sick. They lowered the dose to see if he could tolerate the side effects more this time which is what we had talked about all last week. We will see what this evening brings. Pray for tolerable side effects.

On with thankful Thursday...
This will be a strange one. I don't like to compare us to other people to make us feel better and then say I am thankful that we are not them. We have had that done to us more times that I can count. I know people have the best of intention but sometimes it comes off like, well at least I am not you... yuck! (maybe I don't want to be you either BTW!)

ANYWAY, wow that was a long way to get here.
We are downtown b/c we saw Dr. Hamm today. So we are sitting here waiting for Nurse Karen to find us and we see an orange jumpsuit and feet in chains walking down the hallway with an armed guard to follow. At first I have to admit it freaked me out a bit. Then my heart just felt so terrible for this man. How much adversity can one person take? I really wanted to go pray with him. Maybe "be the sunshine" (quote from GNO at SECC) to this lost soul. I have continued to pray for this man throughout the day. Come to find out he enjoys chemo days! WHAT THE HECK!? He gets to watch TV, have a nice guards undivided attention, he gets outside, he socializes with people that are not in prison etc. So I guess I am thankful that chemo days ARE our bad days. We have so much more in our lives that this is THE WORST DAY of the week. I feel badly comparing ourselves to this man, in many ways we are in the same boat as he is. In fact he was only two doors down from our room. In my "Facing adversity" group at SECC there are people in the group that have family members in prison. I have seen the other side to the stories, right or wrong, families suffer when one member is behind bars. I pray that this person can be healed and utilize his time wisely and find the God that forgives all sins and will give him eternal life or if he already has that he can be a light in prison to others.
How's that for the strangest thankful Thursday ever!

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