He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

1st Day at Work

Today was a monumental day as I returned to work today for the first time in almost 8 months.  I started back at my last position as the manager of the BB&T LaGrange office.  I got to surprise the branch this morning so I've been keeping things underwrapped about my return.  It was definitely surreal for me.  I was never sure if I'd ever make it back to work but I knew if I did it's because I was feeling good.  A big motivation of mine going back to work was getting back to a busy day and being a contributing member of society again.  I enjoy working with people and I enjoy making a positive impact on people.  I am excited to be back and I hope that doesn't wear off.  Instead of thinking I hope I can get back to work one day, I now think I hope I get to do this for a long time.  It's going to take me a little bit to get in the swing of things but I think everything will come back to me pretty quickly.  To my BB&T friends, thank you so much for your support and thanks for taking me back with open arms.  I feel it's truly a special place and you guys and gals have made me feel very special.  I expected my computer to start smoking when I turned it on this morning maybe when I turned on my email.  I didn't know what would happen to my inbox.  Well, today's magic number was 5,580 new messages.  I was a little disappointed, thought it would be more; though my junk mail filter helped me out some.  My general rule was I deleted all messages except those sent in May.  So if you sent me something previously, don't take it personal, it's gone.

On the fundraising font for my PC walk in Indy, we are doing some really special things and there's still tremendous room to grow more over the next month.  Currently, I'm the 3rd highest individual fundraiser and my team is the 2nd highest.  That is awesome!  Thanks to all those that have donated and please consider if you haven't. 


Virginia Schulte said...

Happy to hear you are going to visit Mark and go to a game. Also I tried to make a donation but had trouble with the site, any suggestions?

Virginia said...

Never mind, I figured it out.