He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Saturday, October 22, 2011

update for tonight

Craig has had a rough day. Fatigue is not the biggest obstacle as anticipated but cramping pain in his abdomen. Not sure what it is from or what has caused it. He has taken his pain medicine that he hasn't had to take for quite some time and put a heating pad on it. The heating pad loosen his abdomen enough to run out for dinner but after a short visit he was back in bed in pain.

It has been a frustrating day for all of us. It is frustrating to see him struggling with little that we can do and little reason for the pain. I am not really sure what to say at this point.

Although treatment is the obvious choice to ensure more time on earth it is a bit frustrating that he feels perfectly normal off treatment and when he is on treatment he feels like crap. It makes you question whether you are doing more harm than good?

I guess it was just a rough day. I hope tomorrow is better.

1 comment:

Rick Blair said...


Sorry to hear that you had a rough day of it on Saturday. I pray that today, Sunday, was better. Every time I see you, you have that smile on your face just like the one on the site where you are holding you beautiful girls. That smile of yours has always been an indication of hope and it inspires me to do better. God Bless.