He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I don't have much to report but I understand I like to be heard from every once in a while.  I'm having a good week health wise.  Mental wise can sometimes be a challenge but my body is feeling good.  I wore a short sleeve sort for the first time in a while the other day and damn I'm skinny.  I can't wait for things to warm up, hope I don't look to much like a freak when it's shorts weather.  I'm actually, for the most part, comfortable with my weight.  I look like a Kenyan runner so I look skinny but somewhat in shape.  This week hasn't been too eventful.  We registered Emily for kindergarten this morning which is a big step for the family.  She is excited to be a "big" kid and she loves learning.  She looks forward to that a lot and she's a pretty bright girl.  She'll be going to Kenwood Station in Crestwood.  I'll say the Oldham County thing was a pretty good idea.  They let you go to the school closest to you, which is nice.
On another note, I've been researching from the national Pancreatic Network on what I can do to bring awareness to PC and it's horrible statistics.  Louisville doesn't have a local organization for PC but most major cities do.  I found walks all over the country and I'm going to work towards doing one.  I think I'm aiming to do a 3k walk/run in Indianapolis in June.  That's one of the closer walks to Louisville.  It's a shame we don't have anything here.  There's a lot of info to share about PC.  I've become passionate regarding the lack of research for this cancer and how it's put on the back burner.  The biggest accomplishment made in this field is the 5 year survival rate from those diagnosed has gone from 3% to 6% over the the last 40 years.  That's a joke when considering all the strides made in the medical field.  Anyhow more to come.  I'll be doing a little fundraising with that when I finalize some plans.  I did want to make my St. Edward friends or anyone familiar with the Huston family aware that Scott Huston is running in the Pittsburgh marathon coming up this summer and wants to bring awareness to PC.  He asked me to post a link to his fundraising effort and I have to oblige for anyone willing to run 26.2 miles for this cause. 
Thanks Scott for doing that and hopefully you can drag Todd out on the course with you.
Other than the above, we are making plans to get multiple opinions from different cancer institutes on what to do when I'm done with this treatment.  That will be another post but some pretty big decisions are going to be made over the next 2 months.  If you are looking what to pray for, pray we get to the right doctors and we get the best information out there.  God has kept my calmness within me and I thank Him for that.


Rick Blair said...


Congratulations to Emily on becoming a "big girl". Our older granddaughter started pre-school this year, so I understand those milestones.

I'll step up the prayers during Lent that you find the right doctor. We have some access to doctors around school, so let me know if we can ask any questions for you.

Before you put on those shorts, try the spray-on tan.

Jenny graff said...

Hey Craig;) wish Emily could be a Buckner Bear, but I guess Kenwood is okay too;) she's gonna do great in school...the teachers will love having her in class. We are interested in doing the walk with you in Indy in June. Let us know when you register and we're in!!

Roberta Steutermann said...

Hi Craig,

We will be at Kenwood with you all this fall! Nicholas will be also be a Tiger:)...tell Emily she has a new friend waiting to meet her.

You and your famil remain in our daily prayers.

Cheryl said...

Craig, I did the Austin half marathon last month, and LiveStrong was the title sponsor which made it kind of unofficially a cancer awareness marathon, so they had lots of other cancer organizations involved. I actually meant to message you about this earlier but at mile 9 PanCan volunteers in their purple shirts ran the water stop...it choked me up a little (I get emotional when I run/ride hard) thinking both of you as well as those volunteers doing exactly what you want to do, raising awareness so we can finally cure this mysterious disease. I wanted to hug each of them for just being out there, but instead I took their water and said thank you to as many as I could gasp out...I'm a weirdo but thinking of you powered me through a couple more miles.

One of my friends in the GI area at MD Anderson has said nothing but wonderful things about PanCan, I think its awesome your friend is spreading the word with the Pittsburgh marathon.

And as for the last part, as always, y'all have places to stay indefinitely with kids or no, whatever you need, down here with our family if this is where you are lead, so please don't even think twice if this is what you need to do.

Continuing to pray for all of you, and thanks for your messages, I love this blog.

Tom Waller said...

Hi Craig
This is Tom Waller i am the guy that you help get my truck loan and also opening up my checking account at the bank. Our family also goes to South East and when I found out about your battle I have been praying for you and your family. If you ever need somebody to talk to and to help out please give me a call 502-643-6181 or email me at tom@wallerhomes.net

Shannon (Mudd) Parsons said...

Craig (and Michelle) -

Thanks for the post. My mom and I have been keeping up with you and keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. We will definitely be supporting Scott (& Todd hopefully) in their efforts of fundraising this summer. Keep up the great work with the blog and the even better work in healing.

Thinking of you and your family.